How many homes that hit the market in 2010 actually SOLD? You might be surprised.
January 6, 2011 by Laura Duggan · Leave a Comment
This a question that many Realtors are discussing across the country. The answer is somewhat shocking.
Denver, Colorado had as few as 1 in 4 homes sell, while Washington, DC had 6 out of 10 sell. As far as Austin, Texas goes… we are (in my opinion) the most stable real estate market in the country. We have job growth, we have a strong economy… the list goes on. And how does our sales numbers compare to the rest of the economy? Watch the video and read below to find out.
Recently, I was involved in a poll asking Realtors around the country how many homes actually sold in their markets in 2010. See below for a list of cities that had responses:
Knox County, Ohio – 42.54%
Wasilla, Alaska – 38%
Liberty Hill, Texas – 42.45%
Door County, Wisconsin – 25%
York County, South Carolina – 63%
Denver, Colorado – 25%
St. Louis, Missouri – 45.14%
Memphis, TN – 34%
Indianapolis, Indiana – 33.5%
Washington, DC – 63%
Montgomery, Alabama – 43.9%
Chicago, Illinois – 21%
Anoka County, Minnesota – 46.49%
Los Angeles, California – 43.1%
Austin, Texas falls right in the middle…. 51.17%
For every 2 homes that were listed in 2010, 1 SOLD!
See the chart below for the trends over the last 12 years.
If you are considering selling in 2011, join us for our FREE webinar on “How to Sell in a Down Market”. More information below: